We have another quick tip on how to store the excess line that remains after tying up to the dock! The sign of any well-seasoned crew is a boat that’s tied up with professional linework. It’s this attention to detail that sets your boat apart and keeps everything looking tidy and neat.
Start by coiling the excess line in long loops. Once you’ve got the line gathered in your hand, drape it across the railing of your boat without letting go. Take the line that’s away from the boat and pull it through the center loop. Finally, take that line and pull over and down, securing the loop. You can easily reverse this process to quickly untie the line.
Remember that practice makes perfect, so grab the family for a little knot practice so you're ready when the time comes. It's these small, regular maintenance tasks that truly make a difference.
A set of tidy dock lines only further enhances the look of your boat. To keep the rest of the vessel in top shape, consider using Shurhold's range of cleaning products. Our Brite Wash is perfect for a general clean, while the Serious Multipurpose Cleaner can tackle tougher stains. A final touch of Pro Polish will leave your boat looking professionally maintained. It's this combination of attention to detail and thorough cleaning that really sets you apart.
Until next time, Shurhold is here to help keep your boat Clean-N-Simple!