Pick the right wax for your Boat, Car or RV


In this Clean-N-Simple tip, we will attempt to simplify your wax selection process. Today, we'll dive into the world of waxes, discussing how to select the right one and explaining the differences between them.

Selecting the right wax can often feel like a daunting task, almost akin to mastering a secret craft or decoding arcane knowledge. Pose the question to a group, and you're likely to receive a unique answer from each person. A single glance at the multitude of options in your local store's wax and care aisle can easily turn overwhelming.

So, let's strip it back to basics and talk about what wax actually is, what it does, and the different types that you might encounter.

Primarily, when we discuss 'waxing' our boat or car, we're referring to applying a protective layer to the surface. This protective layer serves to help repel water and slows down the natural oxidation process caused by environmental factors, such as the UV rays from the sun. The term 'waxing' is a holdover from past years when all protectants were wax-based. However, the landscape of surface protection has evolved greatly since then. Today, many forms of surface protection exist, many of which don't contain any actual wax. Read on as we delve deeper into these nuances to help you make an informed choice for your boat maintenance routine.


Wash & Wax – This category of products claims to wash and wax the surface at the same time.  In my opinion, this is just marketing as no real effective protection is left behind.  You are much better off finding a Wash Soap that cleans well, protect the environment, and does not prematurely degrade your protective coating.

Cleaner Wax – This category of protectants includes a mild abrasive in with the protectant.  It provides some very light stain removal at the same time you are waxing.  Many of these products do work well, unfortunately when you use these you are doing this cleaning action to the entire boat even when and where it does not need it.  There is a finite amount of gelcoat or clear cote on your surface, so I always recommend only to use abrasive product when and where they are needed.

Straight Paste Wax – These are the traditional forms of Wax protection.  Requiring some elbow grease of hours of buffing these products have been up graded over the years to be a bit easier to work with.  In doing so, non-productive fillers such as talc have been added to the formulas.  Buffing out these waxes results in the use of multiple towels to remove this powdery filler.

Polymer Wax – This is the latest category of protectants and where our Pro Polish fits in.  Most are fully synthetic and actually have no natural wax in the formula.  These liquid cream like products are very easy to work with allowing you to protect your finish in about half the time.  Polymer protectants also have the benefits of the latest in technology additives.  These formulas bond better with the surface, last longer and include true UV inhibitors.  Additionally, there is no benefit of two or more coats in one session with polymers.  Think of it like reapplying sun block.  Save your second coat for later in the season.  In northern climates with a shorter season look to do the surface twice.  In southern and tropical areas 3-4 times per year would be better.

The next time you find yourself in a sea of Waxes, you will know to look for a good quality Polymer Protectant with UV additives, or just ask for a bottle of Shurold’s Pro Polish.

Until next time keep your car, boat, or RV, Clean-N-Simple!