When cruising the islands or sandbars, many boaters will deploy a rear anchor. While this tactic can be helpful, storage of the spare anchor can be a pain. We learned a cool trick that could be helpful if you're struggling to find a little more storage space onboard.
An unsecured anchor will scratch up your gelcoat, cause damage to the fiberglass, or potentially become a hazard to your guests. You should always have it professionally stowed in one way or another. We find this technique to be effective and simple.
You will need an appropriately sized cooler bag, preferably one that’s been well used. It is going to have an anchor in it after all. Start by taking the tag end of the anchor line and setting it to the side. Next, grab the coiled line and place it in the cooler bag, followed by the anchor on top. Finally, add the rest of the tag end and your ready to go! This setup is easy to deploy and keeps your line tangle free.
With your anchor secured, you won't have to use Buff Magic to remove any scratches caused by that sliding anchor!
There you have it, another Clean-N-Simple Tip from Shurhold Industries!